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Sumary: Community Workshop – Advocating cross-community Data Management in Neuroscience, Mapping Community Resources and Needs

Date and place: 20 September 2019; Technische Universität Berlin

NFDI Neuroscience is committed to organize and sustain cross-community data management in neuroscience by bringing together researchers and technology providers to develop processes for data management with specific emphasis on neuroscience.

The first workshop of the consortium focused on bringing together and building up a strong community of neuroscientists who wish to excel their research by exploiting their data in the best possible and most comprehensive way. The workshop zoomed in on the resources already available within the community and the needs and wishes that still need to be addressed.

Workshop agenda

  • Welcome
  • Short introduction of the NFDI Initiative and NFDI-Neuro
  • Discussion and collection of issues and needs regarding RDM
  • Exemplary introduction of existing resources
  • Definition of discussion topics and discussion of these specific topics in discussion groups
  • Wrap up

Workshop outcome

During the workshop 2 discussion groups depicted the current state of the art and debated desirable future developments. One group focused on data and metadata: guidelines for annotation, storage and sharing. The second group on rewards versus benefits and quality assurance.

Main points of discussion in group 1 were metadata detail level and automatic captation of metadata, data versions and data standards, sites for data storage and hostage. Main points of discussion in group 2 were incentives to apply RDM, training in and help with RDM, advantages of taking into account the entire data life cycle, outreach to policy makers and general public.

The workshop notes can be downloaded here.


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