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Summary: Community Workshop – Data Management in Collaborative Research Centers 

Date and place: 3 December 2019; Leibniz Institute for Neurobiology (LIN) Magdeburg

NFDI Neuroscience is committed to organize and sustain cross-community research data management (RDM) in neuroscience by bringing together researchers and technology providers to develop processes for data management with specific emphasis on neuroscience. The second workshop of the consortium focused on the role and importance of strong research data management for collaborative neuroscience research, with specific emphasis on Collaborative Research Centers (CRC).

Workshop agenda:

Workshop outcome:

Points of discussion during the workshop were best time point for data annotation and curation, incentives for researchers to curate and share their data themselves, costs and efforts related to RDM and data management plans (DMPs) as living documents. The Workshop notes can be downloaded here.

Furthermore, during the workshop initial steps were taken to create the first 2 Working Groups (WG) within the NFDI Neuroscience consortium: the WG RDM in CRC and the WG RDM Training. A WG on Standards will follow soon.

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